Blog What happens if I contact a Dog Trainer & my dog doesn't misbehave?
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What happens if I contact a Dog Trainer & my dog doesn't misbehave?


Worried your dog will act like an angel when the trainer arrives, making you feel like a liar? You’re not alone—this is a common concern for many dog owners.

But here’s the truth: it’s not a problem, especially at The Dog Star Academy.

Your Dog’s Behaviour Isn’t Static

Dogs, like us, behave differently depending on the situation, their environment, and even their mood. A dog who “misbehaves” at home may act like a perfect gentleman during a training session. That doesn’t mean the session is wasted!

Take Vicky and her dog Freddy, for example. Freddy was on his best behaviour when we met, and Vicky worried the lesson wasn’t useful. But using her descriptions of Freddy’s behaviour at home, we built a training plan—and it worked! Freddy stopped chasing the family cats and overcame other challenges.

How We Help Without Triggering behaviour

At The Dog Star Academy, we don’t need to see the behaviour to address it. Unlike a car mechanic who needs to hear the rattle to fix it, we use your insights and what we observe to create an effective plan.

In fact, triggering big emotional outbursts isn’t helpful for your dog. When dogs are stressed, it’s harder for them to learn and grow. Our goal is to keep your dog calm, making the training process kinder, quicker, and more effective.

Why Calm Dogs Learn Better

Some people think dogs need to “face their fears” in the moment to overcome them, but that’s a myth. Throwing a spider on someone afraid of spiders doesn’t cure their fear, and the same goes for dogs. 

Our training focuses on:

  • Giving dogs the tools, support, and confidence to handle challenges.
  • Guiding owners with strategies to better understand and help their dogs.

We’re here to help both ends of the leash!

How to Prepare for Your Training Session

To make the most of your session, here are some tips:

  • Light Breakfast: Only feed your dog ¼ of their usual breakfast before training.
  • Treat Prep: Have high-value treats ready. We recommend Prime 100 Dog Roll cut into small pieces.
  • Leash Ready: Keep your dog on a leash and ready to go.
  • Bonus Training: If you’ve booked with us, go through your X-Factor training materials a day or two before your session for extra value!

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re worried about whether your dog’s behaviour will show up during training, don’t stress—we’ve got you covered.

Call Elle at 04 9399 0578 for a free consultation or fill out our behaviour questionnaire to get started. Whether in-person or online, we’re here to help you and your dog thrive.

Let’s work together to turn challenges into successes!


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